Tiffany TAN
Graduated from ACSI Singapore, offer received from Chinese University of Hong Kong Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery
I am Tiffany and was graduated from ACS (International), a great school filled with supportive teachers and schoolmates, in November 2018. I was opened to many opportunities such as having numerous exchange programs and internships every year. In particular, I taught in an orphanage during my Vietnam volunteering trip in June 2017, and performed around Italy with my school Philharmonic Orchestra in November of the same year. With the school value of nurturing future leaders, I was grateful to be on the School Prefect and School Ambassador Team, where we supported World Vision and Club Rainbow Singapore by organising a range of charity projects including Choice to Run and Casual Dress Day. I believe ACS (International) is not only a place to learn, but also a place to develop students holistically. After all, don't be afraid to fall, since "The Best Is Yet To Be".

Fion Chow
The University of Adelaide, Eynesbury College Foundation
我現在在Adelaide讀書,我來Adelaide 之前,對於這裡的所有事情一點認識都沒有。曾經和家人去了多個大型海外升學展覽,在一次環球升學安排的升學展中,我們認識了林小姐Joanna,諮詢了很多有關於澳洲和紐西蘭的升學資料。那時候她很有耐心與我們傾談,了解我們的需要,還叫我們不用急,可以再慢慢考慮,改天找他們聊也可以。

Leo Tsang
Working at Barbagallo Volvo, Curtin University of Technology
I am so happy that I can study overseas and I am enjoying my life in Australia now. Before I came, I knew nothing about Australia. But I am glad to meet with Joanna Lin from First Global 6 years ago, she gave me a lot of advice about where to study and the suitabl course I should choose, that's why we are still good friends after many years! I still remember the day I first arrives Australia, I can feel the new start of my life and lot of challenge which bring me a lot of knowledge and interest. My English was not good and I feel shy to speak to other people. But I try my best to talk and learn the way AAustralian vowel not as good as US and UK, howeverm I believe if we use the same grammar, there is no differences between US, UK and Australia.
Australian dollars were going up when I was studying. Therefore, I need to find a part time job to afford my expenses. During work, I experienced how to deal with clients and learn the cutomer services. This knowledge can never learn at school. It is very good to get a part time job when you are studying. But try not to work with Asian people, this is the best way to earn some money and learn Australian culture at the same time. This is your experience and you never can get it in Hong Kong.
For me, Perth Australia is a very good place for studying. It is a quet place, and there are not many entertainment attrations. I hate studying when I was in Hong Kong, but I have to read book when I have nothing to do here. Therefore, I found my reading skills improved a lot in Australia. Thanks my parents spent a lot of money for me to study.
If you have a chance to study overseas, please do not think it will be easier than studying in Hong Kong. YOu need to study hard and have your study preparation done to get your degree. There are some people send back because they never study hard.

Cheney Yu
BEng Civil Engineering, University of Nottingham, Bellerbys College

Johnny Wong
Simon Fraser University, Canada
I didn't like to study aboard at first, as I was afraid of losing contact with my best friends. But after recognizing the hardness of being offered a place in local universities as there will be a huge number of secondary school fraduates from HKDSE and HKALE in 2012, I made the decision to study in Vencouver under encouragements from my family members.
I have been here for 8 months and I love this place. Studying in the world's second largest multicultural country makes me know much more about the world, and I realised I was a frog in the well. I have many friends in here now, while not losing contact with any of my best friends in Hong Kong.
Hong Kong is a really small city, it is worthwile to study aboard so as to explore more about the world. And the benefits just outweigh the drawbacks.
I really would like to thank Katherine from First Global Education for providing me free and useful advice to study in Canada, and for helping me to solve troublesome issues such as accomodation on campus.

Helen Chan
澳洲 Flinders University心理學學士 以及 LaTrobe University 碩士課程
I am a year one student of Flinders University, studying Bachelor of Psychology. I have been staying in Adelaide for a year, lifestyle in Adelaide is much different from Hong Kong, it is very simple and relaxing. The locals here are really helpful and kind to the international students, so I get used to the life here soon after I come here. Apart from the lifestyle, the study method is also different form Hong Kong, whenever I have some questions on my study, I have to find the answer by myself or asking my teacher, not only just wait for the answers from the teacher passively. Consequently, I become more initiative in learning progress or even in widening my social circle here. Moreover, studying abroad give me a chance to experience different cultures and face a lot of challenges, such as learning how to make friends with different nationalities or renting houses. All these challenges make me become more independent and mature. When I am facing these difficulties, the staffs in First Global Education are really helpful; they give me a lot of advice and still keep a contact with me even after I went to Adelaide for almost a year. Their advices are very useful so that I can enjoy my school life here and cope with all those difficulties. I would say studying abroad is really a worth doing because it improves my English skills and social skills which can make me become more competitive in finding a job in the future, which Hong Kong people most concerned about.

Elfreda Yuen
Deakin University,Australia
現在的我,已從MIBT升上了Deakin Universeity的大學二年級。在Melbourne讀書,這是我以往所不敢想像的。
令我最驚喜的是,在我到達Melbourne之後,Joanna仍會跟我聯絡,關心我的近況,而且更會飛來Melbourne找一聚 "環球之友" 吃飯!! 我朋友跟我說,他的agent公司在他來到澳洲以後就好像消失了....更令我感到自己能找到環球的幸運!^^
在這邊讀書,沒有香港那樣大壓力,但也不代表可以就此放鬆。相反,我在這學到了獨立、管理時間跟解難能力。英文也大有進步! 家人也為我的成長感到很高興呢!!^^
謝謝你,Joanna & First Global!!

Sophia HUI
King's College London, UK
For a student studying in Australia, getting into a top UK university without A level result is deemed ambitious and challenging. Definitely not a conventional route that an education consultancy would suggest to students. I was pretty determined to go to UK for undergraduate course, and have reached several agencies for advices. To my least surprise, the replies I received from them are unanimous - starting from foundation course at a lower rank university, meaning that I would have to repeat another pre-U course before admitting to the undergraduate course. The reply is pretty discouraging.
I stumbled across First Global’s website and I thought I would try my luck. First impression I received from a brief phone call with Joanna is that she barely mentioned the word ‘cannot’ nor rejected my bold proposal, instead she encouraged me to opt for it. It was considered late when I sought for her help on the application. Her professionalism in the field is unquestionable, especially managing the timeline of university application and visa application. Besides, her hands-on approach deserves a special mention. I was in rural Japan with limited access to internet and very often, documentation requires signature. Time was a constraint and in retrospect, the application process did test her patience, which makes a distinctive difference to the services she provided. I in the end received offer from the university and spent 3 wonderful years there.
I have recommended my cousin and a close friend to Joanna when they were looking for overseas education, because I feel like Joanna customizes solution to her students based on their unique background and career aspirations, not the blanket advice that we would get from most of the agencies in the market. With a First Class Honor in my pocket and a MT offer from a global financial institution, I have been thinking what my path would turn out if I hadn’t met Joanna, who assisted me to turn a proposal into a reality. From my experience, what I am certain is that she put the interest of students over the interest of the business, and that distinguishes First Global from the crowd.

Carol Liu
The Universeity of Adelaide, Australia

Isabella YEUNG
LASALLE College of the Arts, Singapore
大家好,我是楊樂詩,今年正在新加坡的Lasalle College of the arts就讀level 1的performing arts。
一直以來,我對Musical Theatre這個範疇都非常有興趣,而在機緣巧合之下,我在網上找到First Global這所留學中介公司。First Global的所有員工都非常有耐性,每當我遇到問題的時候,他們都會不厭其煩地為我解答,多得他們清晰的講解和細心的協助,我才有機會找到一間心儀的學校,就讀自己喜愛的科目。我在新加坡雖然只有短短大半年的時間,但我非常享受這裡的生活。在學校裡,老師除了用心教導學生外,他們亦很關心每個學生的生活,所以我作為一個初來報到的國際留學生,我亦很快適應了生活。
Lasalle College of the arts的學生除了當地人外,還有很多不同的國際學生,例如:英國,印尼,馬來西亞等等,所以在這裡生活我也了解到很多不同國家的文化,而且我亦很享受這裡的生活。

Tyra HO
Loughborough University, UK
Studying English Literature and Drama in England is the most exhilarating experience in my life thus far! I’d love to express my heartfelt gratitude to First Global Education: without their phenomenal one-to-one student support service, this study journey would be improbable frthe start. I came across my academic advisor Joanna Lin in spring 2012 through my best friend’s recommendation. She was a highly accountable and dependable individual, whom offered me superb suggestions of international pathways, and invaluable study aboard advice, not to mention connecting me to Cambridge Education Group, where I later earned a Foundation degree in International Relations, Psychology and Media Studies at Oncampus London, and subsequently progressed to the exuberant sporting Loughborough University.
Living a classic fairy tale as a ballerina for a 3-night dance showcase, dancing flamboyantly at a salsa Christmas ball, performing belly dance at hafla, pole dancing tribally at societies winter showcase; playing polo on a saddle, spinning on a bicycle; teaching English to Italian primary students via interactive group activities in Florence and Bologna villages -- I’ve broken out my comfort zone, embraced cultural diversity, and explored a varied range of British university activities that I never had a chance to take part, as a HK college student in the bygone days. Soon it’ll be my 5th year studying in the UK, and I’m eternally grateful to First Global Education for guiding me through the passage of my dreams during the hazy days of my life.