LASALLE College of the Arts
拉薩爾藝術學院 (LASALLE College of the Arts) 是一所當代藝術和設計教育及實踐領域享有盛譽的高等教育學府。
本院設有 31 個大專、學士及碩士課程,全面覆蓋藝術設計、電影、動畫、時尚、舞蹈、音樂、戲劇、藝術管理、藝術教育、藝術治療和藝術歷史等各個領域。
LASALLE 師資實力雄厚,薈集了眾多屢獲殊榮的藝術家、設計師、教育家和研究人員,他們所倡導的實踐型教育理念使拉薩爾藝術學院獨樹一幟,一躍成為具國際性的卓越中心。拉薩爾藝術學院的校友才華橫溢,蜚聲世界,確立了拉薩爾藝術學院在新加坡文化與創意領域的核心地位,同時也使其國際聲譽日益提高。
於 1984 年由遠見卓識的藝術家及教育家 De La Salle 修士 - 麥納利 (Brother Joseph McNally) 創辦,是一所非營利的私立教育機構。拉薩爾藝術學院接受由新加坡教育部 (Singapore Ministry of Education) 給予的津貼支持,其學士及研士課程得到英國倫敦大學金史密斯學院 (Goldsmiths, University of London) 的明確認可。
Subject offered:-
Diploma in Animation Diploma in Audio Production Diploma in Broadcast media Diploma in Dance Diploma in Design Communication Diploma in Fashion Diploma in Fine Arts Diploma in Interior Design Diploma in Music Diploma in Performance Diploma in Product Design Diploma in Technical & Production Management BACHELOR OF ARTS (Hons) Bachelor of Arts (Hons) Acting Bachelor of Arts (Hons) Animation Art Bachelor of Arts (Hons) Arts Management Bachelor of Arts (Hons) Design Communication Bachelor of Arts (Hons) Fashion Design and Textiles Bachelor of Arts (Hons) Fashion Media and Industries Bachelor of Arts (Hons) Film Bachelor of Arts (Hons) Fine Arts Bachelor of Arts (Hons) Interior Design Bachelor of Arts (Hons) Music Bachelor of Arts (Hons) Musical Theatre Bachelor of Arts (Hons) Product Design Bachelor of Arts (Hons) Theatre+Performance MASTER OF ARTS Master of Arts Arts Therapy Master of Arts Arts & Cultural Management Master of Arts Asian Art Histories Master of Arts Fine Art